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Since the end of World War II, most people around the world regarded the United States as the land of opportunity. The baby boomers and Generation X knew it best as "the land of milk and honey." Much has changed, though, in the past four decades. Indeed. In today's globalized world, working in America no longer feels any different than earning a living in Europe or Japan. Income levels and employment opportunities now appear to be similar. Are they, though? Do Americans still have the edge or has the American Dream finally slipped away? Is it possible to conceive that American workers could be disadvantaged when compared to those living and working in other countries? While most people live their everyday lives never knowing, one thing is clear. Anxiety about the future is in the air, but what causes it? Can the past be restored? One thing is certain. Americans cannot afford to remain complacent with the status quo.

Award-winning author, researcher and serial entrepreneur Christos A. Djonis, offers a fascinating statistical look into the US economy and examines America’s pervasive economic plan which embraces a future of dissension between Wall Street and Main Street.

Published by New York City-based Page Publishing, Christos A. Djonis’s new book is a thoroughly researched eye-opener that deliberately steers clear of politics in an honest attempt to acquaint the average individual with the fundamentals of the US economy, help them better understand the essential choices politicians currently make on their behalf and allow them to demand better alternatives.

Readers who wish to experience this insightful work can purchase “It’s The Economy, Stupid!” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble.




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